Year of the Tiger

Today is an important date!

2010/02/14: Year of the Tiger begins

Feb 14th 2010 marks the arrival of the Year of the Tiger, according to the Chinese calendar.

It’s not that this, or any other Zodiac system, really has any relevance or explanatory powers in the universe… but the mind can’t help but find patterns and meaning in even the most inane coincidences.  According to the Chinese zodiac, 2010 (as represented by the tiger) has the attributes: courageous, emotional, unpredictable.

And that’s exactly how I’m feeling today, since this weekend also marks a milestone in the evolution of this website and the projects it aspires to relate: we’ve finally got plane tickets and a firm date for lift off!  In less than one month, the harsh winter (ok… actually, not so harsh this year, but it sounds so much better) will be left behind and L and I will be off to Santiago, Chile for three whole weeks!

If you need to get in touch today, please leave a message as I’ll be busy doing the dance of joy 🙂